Through the course of this exercise, we delve into the exploration of geometry as an embodiment of all the 3 dimensions which make up a volume. Students begin by exploring the constructs of primary solids and their fundamental geometrical proportions by creating models using linear, planar, and volumetric materials.
Equipped with an understanding of the form of these primary solids, the students are introduced to two fundamental operations of addition and subtraction, which they can begin to utilize to produce complex solid geometries as an exploration of form development.
The engagement with these simple operatives as an exploration of combining different 3-dimensional geometries in several possible actions such as repetition, fragmentation, intersection, qualification, and distortion, will produce a set of complex combinatorial models which we could term as autonomous neutral objects.
Students Work
Sketches drawn are with the understanding of primary solids to which elements of different proportions and sizes were added and subtracted. Different operations were explored until the orientation of the different elements was satisfactory.
A planar material; the ivory sheet was used to make the models as it offered sturdiness and gave a crisp white appearance to the models.
The model works at exploring two basic solids: cube and cuboid. The solids are added to each other at different angles giving it a distorted look which helps create a new complex combinatorial model. It helps put geometry, volume and varying dimensions of solids into perspective.
Suhani Khandelwal
Planar materials like file cards were used for these models. The process of making the model began by drawing out the various planes and panels on paper and then drafting it on the filecard. Variation in size and shape of the niches and protruding elements was used to create an interesting composition and to achieve a sense of complexity via the positions of addition and subtraction elements. Cubes and cuboids were used with variation in their dimensions.
Michele Dias
The model includes linear as well as planar materials. The use of file card and box paper helps to understand the different properties of the material. The size and forms of the model have been varied and have been positioned differently. Various methods were used for forming the structure such as piercing. This forms the additive part of the exercise. The carving of different forms of different size from the object shows the subtractive part. The combination of both methods helped to visualize and create a complete new and different form.
Durwakshi Bhoir
The entire model has been prepared by a combination of geometrical shapes. The planar material used for preparing this model is a file card. White file card was chosen as the color because it made it easier for the interior parts to be seen. Further, various organic shapes were introduced. The model has two pyramids linked at their edges. The pyramids are supported by a cuboid in a slanting position which was later inserted in the cuboid. Despite no specific form, the model’s base manages to stand upright and in a balanced position.
Kshiti Khot
The first model was created as an organic form in which different materials like wood, thread, and mountboard have been used. It has two square prisms at the top and bottom to show balance even if the model was slanted and another triangular prism holding the rest of two cuboids and a cylinder creating a new and unique composition.
The second model was inspired by a matrix simulation in which there is a cube inside a cube but one can see the dimensions of the inner cube itself which is also supported by two triangular prisms below the inner cube from the bottom.
Neelaksh Pandya