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Villa Shodhan
Villa Shodhan by Le-corbusier is a residential building built in Ahmedabad. The building consists of mass and void to allow air circulation and block direct sunlight entering into the building as per comfort level and functions. The exercise was to study the building in detail.
After the basic analysis of building through plan and sections , volumetric analysis was done by using soap as a material.
Later a model of cement was prepared to understand the arrangement of mass and void. For using cement as a material a formwork was the first requirement so that cement can be poured and casted, according to the arrangement of mass and voids of the building, which was very intense to imagine.
In my case I needed to caste the cantilevered roof separately for better workability.
Finally, to understand the internal spaces, section is very important. A section model was made out of corrugated cardboard sheets, which was important to study considering the material properties.
Prathamesh Panchal
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