The cinema Poster
Vertical Studio | College Projects
Ar. Yashwant Pitkar
Ar. Tushar Shetty
Studio Conductors
The CP was analysis of movies and their posters, the understanding of connection of movie posters, trailers and movies itself. The studio began with understanding eras of posters and trends through the years to their modern day counterparts as a culmination of the years of styles and art works. Understanding of both handmade art works to digital prints to moving posters and future. The College Project understood the layers of emotions, audience attention, the typologies of posters and the bhavanas and rasaas attached to the visuals. From typography to pictures to art works, to abstract images, understanding the composition of images and relevance of the actors and characters and objects in posters.
The culmination of this CP was in analysing a movie, understanding its essence and reframing and producing a new poster of graphic and typological quality that explored the narratives of the movie, characters and themes of the movie.